Sunday, November 20, 2011

Once he turned 4months old and they finally found a medicine that they thought would work. The spasms went away for six days. I was so happy and thought the worst was finally over. He started them right back up. In the course of a week, he was having anywhere from 60 til 70 spasms a day. They delayed his development and he could no longer hold his head up. 

He caught RSV (respiratory syncytial virus) and it made him sick for six weeks straight. He could not keep anything down. I went back to his pediatrician. She said, "don't worry he is still getting his medicine in his system." But it just did not seem that way to me. Sure enough, the spasms were out of control. I could not leave my house without worrying about him having a grandmal seizure or a cluster of spasms. He had to go back to the hospital and stay for another week. I was at Children's Hospital every other week. Its just sad when security knows you by name. 

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