Thursday, November 17, 2011

Within that week of him returning home. I had never seen a baby have so many seizures. He would be lost in a zone every time they started. But I started to notice that they went from two minutes to as long as six minutes. When he had another grandmal I instantly rushed him back to the hospital in that same week. This time they kept him longer. They hooked him up to an EEG machine and video taped him. This time they finally seen what I was talking about. I still remember when the lady was hooking the wires up to his head. We had to run to the room so they could start recording as he had a cluster of seizures. This time lasting thirteen minutes. Who ever thought that a baby could have a seizure for so long that it gave off an odor. As if it smelled like his brain was frying and there was nothing that I could do about it. When the doctor first said, "you will start to smell the seizures." I thought he was totally crazy for even saying something like that. But he was telling the honest truth. My baby was suffering...        

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